Necessity is the mother of invention is a true concept when you are at the end with no other alternative and suddenly you develop a radical idea that changes your life and those around you. Leaving New Jersey in 2007 relocate in Georgia meant starting over with a new job, doctor and dentist. When the new job did not work out, the focus on getting a new dentist was not a priority. For 7 years my wife and I did not visit a dentist.
Plaque and tartar build up led to bleeding gums. My wife mentioned that a hygenist told her that bicarbonate of soda and hydrogen peroxide can help in oral hygiene. I did my research and found that bicarbonate of soda and hydrogen peroxide could help in aleviating the pains of bleeding. My research did not stop there and two years later resulted in Cocorange Brite, which helps in the removal of tartar and, plaque, preventing bleeding gum and whitens teeth.

The natural ingredients in Cocorange Brite are brought together to eliminate tartar, plaque, bleeding gum, bad breath and whiten teeth, so the next time you have a deep cleaning it will ease the painful process. These 7 ingredients are well researched and effective on their own, but together can help eliminate many of the problems of the mouth.
Coconut oil-The benefits of coconut oil are numerous and since most problems for the mouth are cause by bacteria build up.
Coconut oil is the base of Cocorange Brite.
Orange peel- The color of the product stems from this ingredient, which also freshens your breath and whiten the teeth. 1/2 of a medium orange peel is in each bottle.
Granny Smith Apple- The ingredient of malic acid is present in granny smith apple which whiten's your teeth. Malic acid is an organic compound that occurs naturally in fruits and vegetables, and is abundant in apples. It is in many medical and personal products. Since it encourages saliva flow, it is in toothpaste and mouthwashes. High level of saliva flow decrease bacteria in the mouth that attack teeth and cavaties.
For Additional Information please google patent 10,945,944